I like the outline but please the inner logo so it differs from the HobbyKing's logo. I know I asked to be similar at the beginning but after second thought I don't like people to tell me that I have copied the HobbyKing's logo Thanks! And of course I am expecting another idea
Also try to do this using my font (LocoErg or LocoEsna), I really like the outline and the colors you used! Make 2 using my font, one like the one you created and a second ising my font in a straight line
Hi, for Entry #14, you are very close to what I am looking for, just make the "Heliland.com" in a straight line and not the Heli above and the Land under it I think you see what I mean Leave the circle at the outline, I like it YOu can go above the borders of the circle when you write the Heliland.com at once And please find the Font as in my webpage, the "H" and the "a" are not the same