Nice efforts here. Would be cool if you could get the tail on the 7 to act as the smile arc from our logo--would be a nice way to blend the two & keep brand consistency.
Could you make the top part of the & sign less formal? How about KIDS CLUB in all CAPS & a different solid, standard font? Can you get the HH from our logo into yours? Can you also get the angle of the arc (tail on the 7) more similar to the one we have in our existing logo? Thanks!
#126 Looking better for sure. Can you make the KIDS in the light blue? Can you make the two parts of the logo at the top closer? Can you try one with the smile arc even closer to the angle that it is in our logo? You can use the logo as it appears on our homepage for reference;
also... Can you use the font and colors for "Kids Club" that you used in #116? Can you use that same font for the word "UP"? Can you make the word UP a fun green color and make the yellow stars that green color instead? thank you!
We'd like to work with you with the goal of getting the details of 1 logo worked out & then get it in multiple colors schemes. Let's work from #172 1. can you use the bubble letter style/font from #94 on "KIDS CLUB" & a matching style/font for "UP"? 2. can you use the "HH Heetland Orthodontics" at the top from #123 but make the "HH" and "Heetland Orthodontics" the same size vertically 3. Use the orange part of the "&" from 123 4. Use the outline of the arc & ")" at the end of the arc from #123 5. Remove the space between the "7" & the "arc" as the outlines will separate them. Said another way, there should be no white space separating them. 6. Let's try 1 version with the teal part of the "&" looking different