For all of your entries....would be so kind and show me what they'd look like with a clear background, rathern than a black one...trying to envision what they'd look like.
Hi there....We are very interested in design #38 & 45; however we were hoping you can make a couple of adjustments before the final decision. -- Can you use a different font for Heavenly Treasures? We arent in love with the current font.....Also, we'd like to see the H & T in a different font from eavenly & reasures.... -- The halo over the H doesnt work.....we'd like to see you try and make it a charm bracelet or another piece of jewelry other than a gold band. -- Can you show us what it'd look like if the jewelry in the treasure chest was silver and gold, as that's what we are selling....right now it looks like costume jewelry.
OK...I know I am a sorry!!! -- #49 is definitely our favorite, so you will be winning the contest; however we want a couple of minor things changed...... 1) Can you remove the word quality & just have trendy & classic jewelry 2) We are thinking of nicknaming the company HT so we'd like to see the HT of Heavenly Treasures stand out a bit more....perhaps Bolding it??? Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated on that. Once we see those changes, we should be good to go! Let me know if you have any questions!