Hi Claudia,
Just ranked the logos again. On ranked #2, can we make the colors deeper so they catch the eye more. My log will be used for a store sign on a brick building, and I want it to be eye catching from the road. I love this logo, it has a pleasant, soft, friendly appeal to it, but I am afraid it may not pop enough from a sign, so lets deepen the colors. Try it in entry #4 and #22.
See if you can take the circle with the paws and cross in it from entry #20, add it to entry #4 at the end of
the word center to combine the 2 logos. I want to see what this looks like, it may be to much, but maybe not.
I hope I can get business cards, letterhead, ads from you after the contest is over if I choose either of these logos. How does that work?