Healthy Life RedesignLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Healthy Life Redesign

Healthy Life Redesign has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 293 designs from 18 different designers from around the world.






































































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Hi Chowzn! Thank you very much for your designs. I really like them! Your creativity and style is very much what I am looking for. I would also be interested in seeing the graphic part of the logo to the side on entries #27, 28 and 30. I'm very excited by your work. Thank you!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
thanks for the appreciation, ratings and feedback, it's really very helpful, once again thank you very much, greetings from Indonesia
10 years ago
No problem! Thank you for taking my feedback into consideration and providing me with some great design options. I appreciate all of your work.

I can't yet decide whether I prefer the image to the side or above the words. I think that above the words would look great on a business card but that next to the words may be better on my website. It is nice to be able to consider both options, and thank you for putting those together for me.

I would be interested in seeing entry #27 with some colour variation. Perhaps changing the purple for coral, and the orange for a bright green. I think that a little bit of colour in the words "Healthy Life" (maybe some green accents) and/or "redesign" (maybe coral) could also help to convey the words themselves as looking a bit healthier :) I do like that the design is fairly neutral right now and not overly colourful, so maybe just a hint of colour might be all that is needed. Another option might be to try dark brown instead of grey for the design and words background colour.

Entry 28 might also be nice to see with some extra colours.

I feel like a cross between entry 35 and 29 might look nice (I like the look of #29 and that it is longer vertically than horizontally, but would like to see a bit of modification to the image itself).

Thank you so much! If you have any questions feel free to let me know. Have a great day.

10 years ago
Logo Designer
thank you very much for your feedback. this is really very helpful, I'll keep trying to find a combination of design and the right color that suits your expectations, once again thank you very much
10 years ago
Hello again Chowzn! Thank you for making those changes! I really prefer the brown designs as they seem warmer and more welcoming. I really like designs 41 and 42 best right now. I feel like I would still like to see a few variations of those designs right now to get them to their best. Here are some ideas:

#42 - I think that I might have been wrong to add the pink to the leaves. It would be nice to see one design that is all green and teal leaves, and another maybe that is green, teal and the orange that you had in the original design. I would also like to see a couple of different font options for this design. I like the designs where the word "redesign" is written in a more unique and artistic way to stand out more. Perhaps we could try that? Maybe in another one you can try a slightly different font for all the words as well. I would like to maybe see some colour (coral pink?) in the word "redesign" to see how that looks. I am open to your creative ideas and whatever you think might look best!

#41 - I love your creativity with the branch and the bird! It's so fun! I think it might be nice to see the word "redesign" stand out a bit more in this design as well. Although it does look pretty good how it is right now!

I love your designs and welcome your continued creativity. I will be opening up the judging to my family and friends so perhaps may come back with more ideas from them as well.

Thank you!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
it was great to be able to work on your project, you do not hesitate to give your ideas, thank you ..
10 years ago
Hi Chowzn! Thanks for those changes. I like the fun font for "redesign", but would be interested to see it in upper case (capitals) so that it doesn't throw the "By Dr. Kimberley O'Brien, ND" design off centre with the lower case "g". Thanks!
10 years ago
Hi Chowzn,

I think that it would be better to focus on the fonts in the next stage of the contest. I would really like to see continued creativity right now with the overall aspect of the graphics and design, and we can definitely look at the details later. Thanks for all of your hard work!
10 years ago
Hi Chowzn,

I was thinking that I would like to see design #42 with the tree to the left side of the design and without the circle around the design. Thanks!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
#123 feedback please, thanks
10 years ago
Hi Chowzn. Thanks for the new design. I think that I prefer the other version of the tree, but it was great to see another option. I am definitely going to need help from family to decide which concept is best for me. There are several of your designs that i really like.
10 years ago
Hi Chowzn! I am excited to work with you as one of the top 5 designers. I still really like entry 41 and am hoping to see a few variations that might increase the size or focus on the word redesign. It might be best as it is already, but I feel like I need to see a few other possibilities. Thanks!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
#155 Thank you so much, has included me as one of the top 5, thanks to continuing to provide input, this really makes me happy to follow your project, once again thank you very much.
10 years ago
Hi Chowzn,

Thanks for the new concepts. I think that the layout for 158 has some potential, but that right now the space is too full between the S and the I of "redesign" with the Y coming down. I don't know if there is any way to help that....perhaps slightly lowering the word, or putting a line similar to what is below the word "redesign" above it as well. I am open to options.

I also like the new entries with the colourful "redesign", but think it might make the design a bit busier looking than I would like. Can we try #156 with only shades of blue/teal and one other colour? I thought it might look neat if the colour gradually changes shades with each box until it changes colour entirely by the end of the word.

10 years ago
#174 is getting really close! Can I please see it with the bird colours from #71, the colour of "redesign" the same colour of pink as in the bird, and the letters in redesign a little bit closer together so it is just a little bit narrower than the lines? I would also like to see 2 more designs with all of the above recommendations but instead the "redesign" for one in bright green, and the other in the same colour as "life". Thank you so much!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
#184 #185 #186 feedback please, thanks very much
10 years ago
It looks great! I really like 184. The colours look great and the design is really good. To be picky, I would just say that some of the letters in "redesign" aren't spaced evenly (between the R-e-d). And if we could just bring the spacing a tiny bit tighter so that the edges of the word "redesign" fall just inside of where the line ends, I think that might make it a bit more balanced. I would appreciate seeing one design with those modifications alone, and one more with those modifications and a little bit of purple added to the tail of the bird (still with the pink). I am going to get the opinion of family tonight...but I think it's great! Thank you!

10 years ago
Logo Designer
thanks so much for the correction, you are really careful, and it's really very helpful .. once again thank you very much
10 years ago
Hi Chowzn,

I got some feedback from my website designer last night, and he also really likes your designs.

He did mention that it would be nice to have an option for business cards where there is no "By Dr. Kimberley O'Brien, ND" in the logo (it might be too small to read). Can I please see 187 with just the line below? I was also thinking we could try a version where there is just a line below, and the "By Dr. Kimberley O'Brien" a space down below the line. I really like my name in the line, but he suggested I look at a couple of options. Thank you :)
10 years ago
Thank you. Can I please also see #41 and #71 with no name?
10 years ago
Hi Chowzn,

I have a lot of friends asking to see the tree again. Can we please try some modifications to #33?

I would like the "Healthy Life" to be RBG 0,158,147 and for the "redesign" to be approximately RGB 255, 90, 80. The "By Dr. Kimberley O'Brien, ND" can be in the brown colour that you changed the other trees to, and so can the body of the tree and the circle around it. For the leaves can we try the same colour as "Healthy Life", along with a shade or two of green. If need be, the colours might look better changed a bit but this will help me to determine if I should still be considering the tree design. Thanks again.
10 years ago
Hi Chowzn,

Thank you so much for all of your patience and help. I really love the bird design, but many of my friends and family are continuously ranking the tree as #1. The tree was my absolute favourite from the beginning, and i think that I have just been struggling with colours to make it exactly as I would like it. I feel like your creativity and ideas are generally much better than when I tell you what I want you to do :) You are the expert! Do you have any ideas for colours that would really make this design "pop"? I am open to colours and ideas of your choice to see what we can come up with. I was thinking that the teal and green would be nice to be included, but am not attached to the other colours I have mentioned. And if you feel that you have another option that would look better than teal and green, feel free to give that a try as well. You can also feel free to keep the brown or change it to whatever you would like. I am honestly feeling a little bit lost and am open to your help and expertise! Thank you so much, you have been absolutely amazing to work with through this entire process!

10 years ago
Logo Designer
thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to advance to the next round, again I say, working with you was a pleasure, I will continue to strive to make the composition of color and design that is completely in accordance with your expectations, feedback from you really really very helpful, once again thank you very much
10 years ago
Hi Chowzn! Thank you for the latest colours and styles. I think that perhaps we are putting too many colours into the design. Maybe just the teal and green would be best? One colour for healthy life, and the other for redesign? And then maybe let's try both colours for the leaves? Is there any ways to create almost a shadow effect with the colour of the circle/tree into the letters so that colour doesn't look too separate? I would also be interested in seeing a version without my name, as again it might be too small to put on business cards.

If the teal and green doesn't end up being the right combination, I am also thinking either teal and purple or purple and green.

For the fonts and layout, I prefer the "redesign" of 215 instead of 221. I am still open to creative or artistic fonts, but prefer the narrower layout with the word redesign more centered.

Thanks a lot!!
10 years ago
Can we please try #215 with the following changes? I would like to see the changes both on a grey background as well as a brown background please.

- No name (By Dr. Kimberley O'Brien,ND)
- Instead of the pink, let's try purple (ex: RGB 75, 25, 112)
- Let's try the colour of the little arrows/tabs next to redesign in the same colour of the tree instead of the word colour.

Thanks a lot!
10 years ago
Hi Chowzn,

I am so sorry, I made that request very unclear. By background colour I meant the circle and the tree. My apologies. You must think I'm crazy!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
I did not think you crazy, this is normal, I think you would like to see this logo in a variety of background colors, thanks to not hesitate to provide feedback
10 years ago
Logo Designer
#242 with different leaf shapes, please feedback, thank you very much
10 years ago
I like the leaves for entry #242. I think that is a good change, but I will get some feedback from others to make sure they agree. Thank you for doing that modification. I also like the darker brown that you have used for the tree and the woman. It looks much better. I am still trying to work out the best colour combinations on the rest of the design, but we are getting there!

I am hoping that we can try a few different fonts for "redesign". I have looked through google fonts and have narrowed down 5 that I like best. They are the following:
- Kaushan script
- Mr Dafoe
- Merienda one
- Marck script
- Euphoria script

I am not sure if these would look best with or without the lines next to the words.

Thank you Chowzn!
10 years ago
Thank you so much for putting together all of those fonts for me. It is great to be able to see them and will let me get some opinions from my family. I have a few requests right now for colours. Once we have that all figured out, then I will hopefully have an easier time with selecting a font for the word redesign.

I would like to simplify the overall colour scheme. For now it might be best to work with designs #33 and #220. I have listed a few options below that I would like to try. In all of the listed options, the colour of "Healthy Life", "By Dr. Kimberley O'Brien, ND" and the lines beside redesign should be the same colour as the circle and woman (brown).
- Green leaves only with green redesign. Can we please try one logo with only one shade of green, and another with a few slightly different shades for various leaves?
- Mostly green leaves with a few teal leaves (4-6), and teal redesign
- Teal leaves only with teal redesign.
- Mostly green leaves with a few teal leaves, and brown redesign (same as Healthy life).

After some friend feedback and looking at the leaves some more today, I feel that the original leaf design is best and will keep the logo simple.

Thank you again so much! You are a huge help and are very patient. It is very much appreciated.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
#257 #258 #259 #260 #261 #263 #264 #265 #266 do you mean like this?? beg umpanbali, thank you very much, I will keep trying ..
10 years ago
Logo Designer
#257 #258 #259 #260 #261 #263 #264 #265 #266 do you mean like this?? feedback please, thank you very much, I will keep trying ..
10 years ago
Thanks for those changes. The colours are looking much better. I will still need to do some work to try and make the word redesign stand out, without taking away from the rest of the logo.

I will get back to you with more feedback soon! These designs and colours are definitely moving in the right direction.

Thanks again.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
I would be happy to wait for feedback from your interactive, do not hesitate to give feedback, I really feel enjoy being on your project, once again thank you very much still gave me the opportunity to be on your project
10 years ago
Hi Chowzn,

I found 2 more fonts that I think might look good for Redesign. Can we please try:
- Oregano
- Droid serif (this looks very similar to the current font, but I think that it is slightly different)

I would like "redesign" to be in all upper case letters.

I would also like to try dropping the word redesign slightly so that the lines next to it align with the top of the word instead of the middle of the word. Perhaps you can do one option with the lines as they currently are in the middle, and one with them lined to the top of the word.

Let's remove the "By Dr. Kimberley O'Brien, ND" again.
Let's use #264 and #265 to try the modifications.

Can I also see #264 and 265 with no changes to the font, but with the name below removed and a little bit more spacing between "healthy life" and "redesign"? Perhaps we can play with the lines next to the word as mentioned above for the other fonts.

Thank you so much! If you have any questions don't hesitate to let me know :)
10 years ago
Logo Designer
do you mean like that? thank you for continuing to provide feedback, thanks to you, my growing collection of fonts, once again thank you, please feedback
10 years ago
Yes, exactly like that. Thank you! We are getting very close and it is really starting to look the way I would like.

Do you think it would be possible to create a slight shadow behind the word redesign (in the colour of the tree)? Just enough that it makes it look like it is popping off the screen a little bit. If I can see an example on #275 that would be greatly appreciated.

I have a meeting with my web designer this evening and will get his feedback and advice. But if I think of anything before my meeting I will let you know. Thank you so much!
10 years ago
Hello again :) Hopefully just a couple more requests and we will be all set.

For design #211, can you please make the box and the font for "redesign" just slightly larger? (Closer to the size in #212). Can I please also see the bird with a bit of the pink/purple colour from #212 in the tail only? (the rest of the top of the bird should stay the current colour). If I can see one option with the current colour of teal, and one with the colour that you used for the leaves in #275 that would be great!

For #275 - My web designer suggested that the "redesign" might stand out a bit more if we used a sans-serif font. I looked up a couple of ideas, and I like "Aclonia" and "Signikia" on google fonts.
I like the colour that the design is right now, and would like to see the new fonts in the same colour. In addition can I also see one design that instead has the teal the colour that you used in entry #211?

Thank you!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
do you mean like this?? request feedback, thank you very much

10 years ago
Logo Designer
I have already submitted designs in a variety of formats to email kimberley.n.obrien @, let me know if you've received it, thank you very much.

10 years ago
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