Hi Dennis! Thank you so much for your entries. I really like this design! I love the font for the word "redesign". I am most drawn to the layout on entry 48 and 46. I would be interested to see an option with the upper pink dot being changed to a white dot within the teal part of the image (similar as to how it is in the pink part of the design). Seeing your design also made me think with a bit of creativity that the image could look like an abstract version of a "yin-yang" symbol. I wouldn't want it too obvious of a yin/yang symbol, but abstract and creative. I am very excited by your work!
Thanks Dennis. I can't decide which way I prefer, but will be asking for the opinions of friends and family soon as well. I would love to see some more abstract design options from you if you have any other creative ideas. I am really looking for a design that demonstrates change, growth, freedom and health.
Entry #7 is very close to what I am looking for, but I am still not certain whether I like that exact graphic design. Although I like it, it doesn't seem to be getting a big response from friends and family. It's close but I would still like to see a few variations. Overall I think the layout works well on this concept. If you feel like it would benefit the design you can also feel free to add in other colours (but don't feel obligated to either, as my main branding colours are the ones that you have been using). Additional colours if they were to be added could include bright green, yellow, orange, purple or brown. Maybe a sun could be a nice concept? Again, I am still open to ideas as I haven't seen "the one" yet from anyone.
Thanks Dennis. Can we try making the person into a more obvious female figure? And perhaps shrinking down the sun so that it appears more that she is reaching up or embracing it?