#10 is the closest to what we want, especially if you can come up with a logo to replace the square - one that incorporates the Psi symbol and the health logo (snakes on the pole...but not snakes) as described in the general comments. Please see www.uni.edu/walsh/hplogojpg.jpg for a not-so-attractive way of incorporating them together...but no snakes, please!
For this logo (#10) in particular, can we see what that new symbol would look like framed in a box (like the box you already have?) as well as without the frame.
We like the blue and gold.
We like that the word HEALTH is prominent. Can we try a version where "psychology" and "clinic" are on separate lines so that the word "psychology" can be a bit more prominent (but with "Health" still being the most pronounced word)
Can you try italicizing the last line (the slogan?)
For logo #9 (green Pyramid shape) - can we see what that looks like with the new symbol, font in blue, and see if you can make "Health" a more dominant word.
Thank you!