I like your design! Thank you! Is it possible to make the green brighter? The leaf is cute, but sometimes when I look at the image I see a boot although sometimes I see it as a leg too. Is it possible to do a piece of fruit and then a high heel in the middle of the words? Can the font be more feminine? Thank you so much!
Thank you! I love the font on 15 and 16!! Can I see another green, more like the color of a lime?? Since I have Lyme Disease, I was thinking I should include a lime fruit somehow instead of the other fruit on #16. And maybe instead of the leaf on #15, you could incorporate a lime? Thank you for all of your hard work. I really appreciate it.
Awesome!! Thank you for turning these around so quickly! I like #17!! Can you make the pink the same color you used in #16? Also, I was wondering what it would look like if the lime was surrounding the words "Health and" instead of "High Heels?" I really appreciate all of your hard work!!