#15: Can we look at some other color options for the lettering and clothing and have a little more detail on the hay bales so it looks more like actual hay please? I know that we said we were looking at autumn colors, however we want to see what some other colors would look like in the design. Thank you.
I continue to keep coming back to this logo. Can we also try #16 with the donkies backs to each other and change the coloring. Blue overalls with red or burgundy shirts? I t would be especially great if they were a "flannel shirt" look. Thanks again.
#39 Is great and what I envisioned. Now, can we play with colors on the clothing and signs? Deep blue coveralls, burgendy shirts? I don't want them to look exact, so different styling on the shirts like stripped or something would be fine. Yeah! nice job. Thanks.
Looking great! Can we make the sun in the background not have "sun rays" and more of a solid background, I am concerned with how the "rays" will print as a logo on shirts and jackets. Thank you :>)
#63 is the one. Just a few more adjustments and I think we will have it. Can you please remove the green in the circled background and make the fence a little bigger and move it across the entire background. Thank you.
Thankyou. That #65 is what I had in mind. Can you "straighten the fence", so it is all the same height and make the donkey's hooves a solid black so they look a little more definitive please.