#11 simple but clean, Black hard to work with for a background on stationary and web perhaps a color change, Please feel free to use other colors than my picks. Its a great place to start though, thanks #9 wings to plain and simple, Ive been in aviation 30 years, if wings are used that got to be top notch # 10 This design I like the more I look at it, may have to move it up a notch or three, great job
# 14 Hate to harp on the spelling but other than that simple fix, this looks solid and I like it alot, very well done and your moving in the right direction, you certainly have talent and diversity
thanks for cleaning up the spelling so I could rank it up there where it belongs, I have been flying the uh-60 blackhawk for 19 years now the new SK-92, both Sikorsky helicopters, and both have Hawk in there names, blackhawk and superhawk thats where the hawk comes from in my business, my costomers, main mission is search and rescue ops, and security
# 12 I keep coming back to this, cause its nice but something is not quite right. Perhaps the grey behind the A not sure, can you work with this some more. Too logos I dig but dont want to copy is the Blackhawk logo sikorsky uses and the Starbucks emblem, that probably makes no sense, maybe it does?
#21 I dont want to mess with your creativity but if the bird was removed and the LLC or Aviation was used in the middle I would like to see a couple versions like this. Thanks for the top notch work
#31 I liked the Large H in the middle better with Hawkpit wordwrap on top, no bird, perhaps, but your last entries are good, really need to narrow a few down, hard with some good logos made.
#12 Ameet can you try putting a shield with the H in it in this entry in the center. Perhaps a round shield with some depth to it like on the mimi cooper symbol, wings have 3 d look also.
it does indeed! however,there's some time to go and it will only gonna heat up more as i can see it! so hope you're gonna have a nice flight managing these entries! i so very much want to crack this one! cheers ameet.
#32 I moved to the top cause I keep coming back to it, could I please see it with shiny gold HAWKPIT AVIATION and then one with a gold band around the shield instead of silver. Some of the designs on my contest with gold look good, ill give you the #s in a bit. Thanks ameet
glad that you came back to this one...i also personally feel this would practically be better cus of the following reasons: 1. its crisp and compact! 2. Its an emblem with the logo in itself. 3. Great for 3D physical reprduction like police badges etc. 4. Great Scope for Animation. 5. would retain its identity even in black and white striped down version ( for fax etc.) 6. Can build up a strong brand identity since its simple elements registers in the mind instantly.