#138: you see the squares moving towards the center where the sun is centered. The sun symbolises leadership and endurance, the squares can be anything from people to information.
I added the vessel because I think that's a timeless symbol for trade, timelessness, exploring boundaries and leadership but perhaps it's to nautical and European.
#142 and #144 are abstract marks that will communicate a feeling more than a concrete pictorial.
I will upload the designs in Crimson and in the Harvard font, I used Trajan pro for the designs. Which designs do you want to see in the Harvard font?
I've been thinking about a logo that will stand for leadership and did some research online to see what others did but most of them end up with a person or figure standing on a mountain or flying through the air, people holding hands and swooshes and arrows pointing up. All very relevant but I feel it's maybe to cliché. I'll keeep thinking!
gr. Peter