Thanks for your entry!!! We like the overall text placement.
We would love to hear your thought process for the image in entry 25 and entry 26 and why you went with these icons for the designs.
For entry 26, we also like the concept very much.....can you play around with the colours and possible other ways to portray the individual with the circle?
For the entry #25 the inspiration point was 'forward thinking' as all leadership conferences, doesn't matter what the content is, are all related/focused for future, for doing things, taking actions in future.
For #26, I just wanted it to be something that was 'right to the point' while it conveyed a message of action, energy, and so forth. Something that people at the conference will NOT focus too much onto and instead concentrate on the content of the conference. After all it will not be an art conference :) , right?
Thanks for your entries!!! We really like your varied use of colours
For entry 26, we also like the concept very much.....for entry 37 we see that you added more individuals but are there ways to keep it to ONE individual and still have the circle with the message of action, energy?
***please ignore the above message sent on Jan 15 at 805pm
INSTEAD WE WOULD LIKE YOU TO: Can you do entry #116 using a Crimson colour and Anziano Pro Regular Font (these are the official Harvard University colour and font).
thank you LogoRoad- seems like the Harvard font is not easily available as all the designers had the same problem. Unfortunately, I don't have that font but a font similar is fine with us.
After much thought and looking at over 200 logos for our conference, the team has decided that the strongest logo perhaps should include the crimson colour and the shield in order to make a strong link to Harvard. We realize that there is little time but if you would like to come up with logos that incorporate a shield and the crimson colour, we would love to see your ideas since you are in the Top 5 for a reason! Please try to use the Harvard Font style.