Good afternoon, we really like the icon in entries #16,17, 47 and 48. Would it be possible for you to increase the size of the H a bit more so it is more evenly match with the B? It doesn't have to be equal size just a bit bigger.
Hello again! Very much like the size of the icon in #80 - any way you can put Harrison Brand on one line and & Company on the next? And, keep the Insurance Broker line the same.
Good morning! We are very much interested in your designs and appreciate all the new one. I did post a comment that the ranking is not necessarily 1st thru 10th but a pool of all the choices voted on so far by our office.
Could I ask for one more change to see? I like Entry #143 where it is in all caps but the first initial is a larger font size. Can you keep that style but use the font type in entry #81? Also, can you make the bottom line a bit bolder so it is a bit easier to see?