Very very nice! Please try option with larger font for 'Constructors' so it shows up better on business cards. Also try an option with the planet being green in lieu of blue. Thank you!
You have an elegant style which we like very much, not just for our contest but throughout your portfolio. Is it possible to have both green and blue colors in the globe? Our industry is trending toward "green" construction. Maybe another option is to change the horizontal line in #284 to green and keep the globe blue. Also, for #288, we would like to see just the interior letters/shadow of the icon without the round enclosure. Of course the letters would have to change colors (blue/green-shaded?) due to the white background. Also, try it with moving the new icon to the left side of the main letters. Thank you.
Thank you so much I like your suggestions please check all versions as per you requested I hope you will like it. kindly let me know if you have any changes
Nice work! Here are our comments for suggested changes:
In all the changes, make the color gold in 'Constructors' darker gold.
#288. Try with icon to the side.
#293. Make the green horizontal band slightly (very slightly) thicker in the middle so the green color stands out more. See if the gold curved features on either sides of the globe can be made less "banana-like", maybe narrower in the middle or same thickness in the middle but have the ends come to sharp points.
#294 and #295. We love the icon but it seems too feminine with the masculine font. Not sure what to suggest except maybe make the swoops thicker at their thickest part.
#296. If possible, make the colors in the globe go from (top-to-bottom) light blue to dark blue to dark green to light green.
Here are some changes we would like to see done to #342: Option 1: Keep everything as-is except change horizontal line to match color/shape used in #338. Option 2: Along with change to horizontal line, make the gold curved elements slightly thinner in the middle. Option 3: Change profile of gold swoops to match swoops used in #295. Kepp them gold color. Thank you!
#377. Make swoops slightly thinner. New Option: Make changes noted to #377 above but move icon to left side of words.
#378: Make swoops a little thicker at their thickest part and remove the shadow for the globe. New Option: Make changes noted to #378 above but move icon to left side of words.
Last requests: Options 1 and 2. #378 and #383. Make swoops slightly wider.
Option 3. #378. Keep swoops the size as they are but move left swoop so it is slightly in front of globe on the left side and move right swoop so it is slightly behind the globe on the right side.
Option 4. #378. Keep swoops same size but move them so they are behind the globe slightly. You will have to determine how far to move them in behind the globe so it still looks good.
Thank you! We are very close and you have been great to work with.
#339. The judges we have viewing the entries like this one but they say it has too many colors. If possible, please make the swoops gold and black (black on the left side). Thanks!