Entry 14-15: We liked the script and the blue background you used, but the birch leaf as the O is not what we were looking for. Maybe if there was a leaf behind the name. Were you able to view the two-tone blue birch leaf in the attached BLUE BIRCH logo? We prefer the "h" in hanna to be lower case. Can you add some ivory to the design - achieving two or three tones of blue complimented with some ivory highlights.
Entry 22: We like the Two =Tone leaf. We like the leaf artwork (shape) in the BLUE BIRCH logo attached - can you adapt that? - We own that artwork. We prefer to keep the brand name "hanna Bjork" in one line - straight across - not stacked. The leaf or multiple leaves could be beside or behind. We want the logo to have a elongated rectangular shape. We want the name to be primary, the leaf secondary