Hi, thank you.
I've double checked every element on logo with color pipette and there are only two colors:
blue: pantone 3015c
green: panton 3268c
Maybe it's optical illusion because the files is small so I uploaded bigger preview for you: http://pl.tinypic.com/view.php?pic=1494ndc&s=9#.VtcCD8dQqtg
We have selected logo #74 but there are still some minor issues that need to be worked out.
All of the green elements and all of the blue elements should be the same color. There seems to be some variation. The lines on the top and the bottom of the text package also seem to be different color (they should be green). Once that is fixed, we should have a winner.
#73 = We would also like to see an alternative version where the "HandyCane" text package is scaled so that only the bottom is lined up with the bottom of the graphics like logo #5.
#71 = The picture of the cane (as opposed to the picture of the grasper) on the right be in the same color as the word "Cane".
The "HandyCane text package to be scaled in the same way as logo #73 where the top and bottom lines match the height of the top and bottom of the graphics.
One tweak we would suggest is to make the text package containing "handycane" and the tagline with the line borders to be the same height as the square emblem. Please ask that the designer submits a new logo without withdrawing the old one.
Hi, Thank you - I've uploaded revisions but I had to withdraw entries that had handy cane on both sides. It occurred that it was another designer idea so according to the rules here I can't use it.
New entries are #71#71
Best regards
I'm sorry for mistake. If you would like to see revision please note that in selection mode of the contest only first ranked designer can upload changes.
Hi, Thank you for feedback.
I'll upload revisions very soon.
I was trying to include some graphic element from cane into "H" ...but indeed it looks more like a "W"
#5 - Wandycane text should be corrected to Handycane.
Graphic of cane in grasping mode should be put the right side of the logo and the left side replaced with it in cane mode.
Comment Activity
I've double checked every element on logo with color pipette and there are only two colors:
blue: pantone 3015c
green: panton 3268c
Maybe it's optical illusion because the files is small so I uploaded bigger preview for you:
We have selected logo #74 but there are still some minor issues that need to be worked out.
All of the green elements and all of the blue elements should be the same color. There seems to be some variation. The lines on the top and the bottom of the text package also seem to be different color (they should be green). Once that is fixed, we should have a winner.
The "HandyCane text package to be scaled in the same way as logo #73 where the top and bottom lines match the height of the top and bottom of the graphics.
One tweak we would suggest is to make the text package containing "handycane" and the tagline with the line borders to be the same height as the square emblem. Please ask that the designer submits a new logo without withdrawing the old one.
New entries are #71 #71
Best regards
I'll upload revisions very soon.
I was trying to include some graphic element from cane into "H" ...but indeed it looks more like a "W"
Kindly regards
Graphic of cane in grasping mode should be put the right side of the logo and the left side replaced with it in cane mode.