Handmade GreenLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Handmade Green

Handmade Green has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 120 designs from 20 different designers from around the world.




Prefers others.


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Prefers others.


Thanks for the submission. I like the font and the icon, and it's interesting use of the paw imagery. The colors look nice, but it could also be a good one-color design.
14 years ago
Okay, I keep staring at this one trying to figure out more direct feedback. I think that it's not immediately clear from the logo that it's a dog company. It doesn't help that the name has nothing to do with dogs, but there's also something...not quite doglike about the paw. I'm having difficulty being more specific, and I like having options that don't include a cartoon of a dog...I'm stuck for anything else more direct.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hei, thanx for rating and feedback! variant with subtle dog with a collar and tried to reduce the colors

(This comment references Entry #35)
14 years ago
i like entry 75 the best, it definitely has potential but i don't think it's quite there yet.
14 years ago
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