Nice design and looking forward to more of your creative ideas! A specific comment on this idea is that the event text needs to be more integrated into the logo design ... to not be the city, then the event ... but the event which is Hampton Snowbird Rendezvous. And I think the group would appreciate a bit more "energy" and "impact" if that's possible. Also please continue to review my on-going high-level general comments and tips, made to the entire group in the LogoTournament Brief. These are very important. Great job so far! Thanks and best regards, Mark
Hi, I haven't received a response from you and wonder if you had decided to drop out. I'm down to my "Top 5" phase and will have to be judicious about whom I keep working with. Are you still interested in this contest and, if so, what hours (United States east coast, -5 hours GMT) will you be able to work on it and submit? I like your work and will try and rotate you in for your submissions if you wish to participate.
Good morning Suke! The other side of the world ... I'm starting to wind down and getting ready to read and go to bed. :-) I just got off the phone with the group (believe me, that was interesting!) and here's what everyone would like to see for your next iteration. As you would imagine, some people liked a certain aspect of one of your treatments and others liked another aspect. As best as I can interpret, there are four things to work on. Many thought that the type in 50 was difficult to read and not a good choice. Another consensus was that the sails did not fully illustrate the A in Hampton. Everyone commented that the city was headlined, then the event ... versus this being an event logo for the Hampton Snowbird Rendezvous. I don't have any suggestions for evening out the H S and R visually but I think you know what I mean and will come up with something. And lastly, folks would like to see the logo have more overall contrast and impact. I think the light S R text is hurting that as is the light sun small shapes and color. I explained to everyone that you could work these issues and do that "designer magic thing" and they were enthusiastic. Thanks! Talk to you tomorrow!
Great changes! Entry #13 is especially promising. I'd suggest you "straighten up" the sail and make it a more distinctive "A" ... a couple of people had a strong objection to that yesterday, saying that is just came off as
H _ M P T O N
And that may let you make the sun bigger on the top ... maybe a half circle or something like that ... and, in fact, maybe also be a partial sphere on the bottom? Whatever you think and want to try. Personally, I think the type needs a bit of work. It's a tough one for you to make work because H, S, and R are so different in length ... but maybe a smaller font size on R? Or different fonts altogether (that work well together) stacked. But hyper-kerning the R line now just makes it looked smashed together. Know what I mean?
GREAT job! I like how you added the sphere and subtle splashes of color ... it really fills in the design ... AND you balanced out the H S and R! So I think you're good to go. I'll give you back your life (at least for a couple days!). I'm very impressed by your design and I think we'll now just wait on the committee's input before doing any more work. I have a telecon tentatively scheduled with the team Saturday morning. Let's see what they think! I like it very much!
Just an update: Got with two of the committee this a.m., expect to be able to herd the rest of the cat's tomorrow. I'll get back to you tomorrow night most likely with what everyone thought. Have a GREAT weekend!
Hi Suke! Thanks for working so hard on our logo. It was a really close contest and you should know that a lot of the folks really liked your design. My wife, Diana, founded a citizen-science project for seabird conservation and we're going to do a logo for her later this year. You can bet that you'll get an invite and I hope that you'll choose to enter that contest. Look for an invite from me and the SeaBC Seabird Count. Best and thank you again, Mark (