Hampton Snowbird RendezvousLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Hampton Snowbird Rendezvous

Hampton Snowbird Rendezvous has selected their winning logo design.

For $400 they received 180 designs from 23 different designers from around the world.


























Nice designs and looking forward to more of your creative concepts! Only specific comments on these two particular ideas are that I think 34 is pretty "jacket-patch-ey" (now that's a new term! lol). And maybe looks too race-oriented ... especially with the stars at the bottom. But I like the feel of the "ring" you created there. Maybe an outer ring on 66, coming out of the boat hull dark blue, or something of that feel? Also, in 66, I think the SR is getting a little lost. It's a bit too city, then event ... versus event, Hampton Snowbird Rendezvous. Know what I mean? Also please continue to review my on-going high-level general comments and tips, made to the entire group in the LogoTournament Brief. These are very important. Great job so far! Keep 'em coming! Thanks and best, Mark
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you so much for your feedback, I appreciate the suggestions. Please let me know if #76 works any better or if you would like to see any changes?

10 years ago
Logo Designer
Sorry, #78 :)
10 years ago
Hi Faith. Or #79! lol Much better than the badge I think. The whole thing seems to be going uphill now though, left to right, including the boat (turned a bit counter-clockwise). Do you see that also or am I imagining it on my screen? b.t.w. I see you are an expert at this whole LT thang (as they say down south) ... what happens in the next "phase" and how do we keep working together? Does our group have to whittle it down to just 5 designers next? l.m.k. and thanks!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Yes, #79 I realized that all this time I have been spelling "Rendezvous" wrong and I even studied French in college, lol!

I see what you're saying about it going uphill, I was trying to give it movement, but I can fix that.

Yes, in the next phase, only 5 designers are able to continue to submit. However, you can change the 5 around if you want to see changes from other designers. Hope that helps :)

Please let me know if #84 works better?

10 years ago
I got off the phone with our group last night (believe me, that was interesting!) and then "worked" Indonesia! lol

I think it's amazing how you all can service the world as well, and as seemingly effortlessly, as you do. Good one onya as the Aussies say!

As best as I can read the tea leaves, here's what everyone thought. They definitely liked your new direction. Here, entry #86 was favored over #84, but not entirely. As you would imagine, some people liked a certain aspect of one of your treatments and others like another aspect. Overall, the team felt is was still too "racy" ... meaning pretty cool for a sail racing event but this is more of a slow-boat, cruise south with the birds in the fall, in search of banana drinks kind of crowd, and event. I think the italic type, the forward leaning sails, etc. all emphasize speed.

So maybe "slow it down" ... another new design term :-) A cruising style boat, more like 84 would be best.

Another point that was made is that in a lot of the different designer's submissions, the text reads as city, then event ... versus the event, held at a city. They'd like to see Hampton Snowbird Rendezvous, the H S and R, of "near" equal visual prominence.

I had everyone go look at your portfolio and they like your style... so continue to work this concept, or drop a new one on me if inspiration strikes. I'm having fun, I hope you are too!

Best, Mark
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Ok, yeah, it's probably the sails that give it the racy look, you're right. I was going for minimalism :) I will definitely work on it, thank you.

10 years ago
Logo Designer
#121 Hopefully I slowed it down :) Please let me know if this works better or you would like to some changes?

10 years ago
MUCH nicer on all points! Let's see what they all think now. Thanks kiddo!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Great! Yes, please let me know :)
10 years ago
Where is your design?!!! I have a meeting this morning with the committee and you're gone!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Oh, I assumed that when you moved me to 7th place that you had decided to go in another direction. I have reinstated it :)
10 years ago
Hi Faith,

No, not at all!

Plus, if you did that, how would you get any points for working so hard?

I thought everyone was supposed to leave their work up so it could get final ranked and rewarded?

Anyway, I've got you back in for this morning's meeting.

Thanks again,

10 years ago
Just an update: Got with two of the committee this a.m., expect to be able to herd the rest of the cat's tomorrow. I'll get back to you tomorrow night most likely with what everyone thought. Have a GREAT weekend!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Ok, thank you, sounds good :) You have a great weekend as well!
10 years ago
Hi Faith! Thanks for working so hard on our logo. It was a really close contest and you should know that a lot of the folks really liked your design. My wife, Diana, founded a citizen-science project for seabird conservation and we're going to do a logo for her later this year. You can bet that you'll get an invite and I hope that you'll choose to enter that contest. Look for an invite from me and the SeaBC Seabird Count. Best and thank you again, Mark (mark@onthewaterchartguides.org)
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you Mark! I will certainly watch for it, you were great to work with :) I hope you enjoy your new logo, you made a good choice with Jekson's! If you need anything else, don't hesitate to contact me.

Best Regards,
10 years ago
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