Very nice! Will need something slightly more subtle though but you are really getting there!
If you think Google (prime colours to show cheekiness), Apple (simple classy apple), Fedex (an arrow between the letter "E" and "X" to give the impression of moving forward, fast), etc.
What we need really is a Favicon together with the design of the words (think, Yobongo, etc) - something easy to relate too.
Thank you for the feedback; that helps a lot to figure out what you are looking for.
Here is a new idea with a friendly bison mascot included! I went with a bison due to them always desiring to be social with one another and travel in herds. It is extremely rare for a bison to be found alone--they are quite the social animal. And, to be honest, it is the perfect kind of fun, quirky icon to represent a modern social networking site.
I also changed the wordmark to a more welcoming and friendly feeling typeface; similar to those of yobongo or skype. I look forward to hearing what you think of this idea. Thanks again!
#75 you're really getting there (bison = herds)! But I feel like the bison is a little too rough of an image, any other images that are more subdue (Think <- they chose beluga, because whales are more social).. And on the font, can we have something more 'playful', now it still feels a little 'restricted'.