I like the font combination of 23 the best -- and its colors. but not the graphic.
Of the graphics, I like the style of 21 the best with the border. But I'm not sure on the style of the H in the graphic, it doesn't seem to flow with the font in #23 - but maybe it doesn't need to...
If I used the graphic by itself on occasion, it should remind the viewer of the entire logo
How would a version of this work to be printed on a btochure with a black background and one to be printed on a light background?
Could you create a version in which the graphic aslo contains the "G"? HG or Hg. I'm wondering if that could be done while maintaing the elegance of this look.
I'm thinking ahead here to where a "sportier, hipper, web2.0" version of the logo in a follow-on contest for the high school seniors site could maybe feature a more prominent Hg as in the chemical element symbol for Mercury. I hesitate to mention that here, because I don't want this effort to derail -- and I'm not sure that even make sense for that logo...
Here is the same design as my earlier entry - but as a one color example. This is to show how it can work in one color for uses such as printing or a watermark on photographic proofs.