First off, we really like all of your designs. Great variety and you clearly followed our criteria.
Entry 7 - Wow! This is so close to what we are looking for. Having said that, there are two of us reviewing the designs. I immediately saw the "H" in the graphic; my partner only saw the two "L"s. Once I pointed out the "H," she now sees it. Obviously, the "H" is the most important letter in the graphic. If possible, we would love to see this design tweaked in some way to make the "H" more readily apparent. (Although we want the "H" to be more apparent, we don't want it to detract from the cleverness of your design.) As a side note, if there were a way to have an H, L and M in this type of graphic, that would be a home run. However, we are very pleased with what you have done with the H and the Ls in the graphic.
Entry 14 - We are surprised at how much we like this design because we really are looking for a graphic element along with our name. We love the depth you have given to this graphic and the name stands out.
Entry 10 - The "&" almost draws a little too much attention on a black background. Could we see this with a grey or silver square, similar to the one you designed in Entry 12.
Thanks for making the revisions based on our feedback. Great work on all designs!
For Entry 36, we like what you did with the firm name - adding the lines above and below. One of our concerns is that designers are focusing primarily on the graphic element and not on the firm name portion, so thank you. We don't think that removing the border/box helped the "H" to stand out more so we still prefer Entry 7 for the graphic. One thought we had (we readily acknowledge that we are not designers) was to switch the colors of the elements of the graphic, so that the "L"s would be blue and "H" would appear in white. This might look terrible, but it also may help the "H" to stand out more. Another idea we had was adding some shading or beveling or shadowing (or something) to give the "H" a little more depth. Or maybe the "L"s could be recessed a bit.
Thanks again for the great work and for hearing and incorporating our feedback. We especially appreciate that it was done so quickly!