Entry #15 - I really enjoy this one, although, I wonder how it would transpire in grayscale. I'm not so fussy about the orange...maybe if you could try another color that would be great. I would love to see the fonts be more along the lines of Monotype Corsiva. But overall...I love the concept.
I would like to see how entry #36 would translate into grayscale. Would there be something other than the sun that you could put in the house? I love the simplicity...but I"m not certain on the sun.
Our shelter does have an aboriginal focus to it...but we don't want to completely focus on that. It is open to all women...not only aboriginal women...but...if there's a little something in the logo that has this look it would certainly be fine.
Thank you for your explanation...I didn't know that. We're new to this.
Entry #61 is great...could you replace the people with a window...I think with the people there's just too much happening in a small space and we wouldn't be able to make it out. Also...could you put it on a white background?
I was wondering if you deleted some of your entries with the hands holding up the house. There are some of my board members that chose different ones and they are no longer in their lists and they aren't in the master list. Also...I wanted them to see the black and white one so that they can understand what it could look like in grayscale.