These are really cool designs! I am not so sure about the vibrant primary colors however. I am wondering if you could deepen the color scheme a bit. Especially the blue. Thank you! The first one really exemplifies, "olympics" which is cool. I like the concepts, maybe play around a bit with them. Thanks again!
Of course, no problem. I really like the color changes, and the font of the "G" in the circles. Just a thought, What about playing with the font and/or coloring of the word "gymtactic." Thank you
I see why you had the person in the middle on #1 now. Because it resembles a Y! Silly me. :) I still like #1 the best. Thank you. I will need to run these by my husband now and get his opinion. Thank you!
Don't worry :) Thank you very much, I am here to give you my best and obtain the perfect logo for your company, please If you would like to see any adjustment or variation, just let me know and I will work as soon as possible for you.
Thank You Marco! How could we make this a little bit more feminine? Also my husband is worried that the symbol in the middle is a bit too generic. I understand that it also acts as the Y, but maybe there is a symbol such as the "bird is to tweet" That we could use for gymnastics? Thank you!
Yes is a little bit generic, what I am trying to represent firstly is a person with open arms using the gymnastic rings.
Interesting challenge :) I will prepare some new proposals following your preferences. Honestly the bird idea is a bit far from your business but I will think about something that really looks femenine, could you tell me which is your target? are specially women?
Good concept with arm and rings. Yes very challenging indeed.
The bird was just an example, I know it would never work for this concept. But thank you for brainstorming something that could work for this.
Our target markets are: ~Actual owners of gyms (that coach gymnastics) around the North West and eventually the U.S. ~Judges @ meets will utilize this tool as a way to keep an electronic score. They will be able to distribute the scores much more efficiently than the way they currently keep/display the athletes scores. ~Gymnasts ~Parents ~Fans
Following this point "Judges meets will utilize this tool as a way to keep an electronic score. They will be able to distribute the scores much more efficiently than the way they currently keep/display the athletes scores" I will try to show you some variations of my design for your consideration.