Awesome. Can you give me some variations on this theme? I'd like to see it in black and white. Also, could you try a sans-serif font? I still like the look of the Clive Christian font - it is available for viewing online if you can't get a look at Architectural Digest. Thanks. I look forward to seeing what you do next. Scott Gyllenborg
Would you let me see entry No. 50 with a font for the firm name that gives the rounded G in the logo rather than the vertical element on the stem of the G in the firm name as you now have it? Try the font used for the logo first, and then other sans-serif fonts. Thank you for your contributions. Scott
On entries 123 and 124, would you give me "Trial Attorneys" in a few different fonts that stand out a bit better? I am leaning toward 123 for our final selection. Thanks. Scott