I had to look twice to understand the logo. A bit like the Freud drawing: when you see the G you dont see the B. I like it. I think the first part of the logo doesn't match enough with the design of theword
I really like your beginning of the logo. The more I look, the more I think that the typography of the second part should be otherwise. What does colour bring in this design?
Thanks for your feedbacks, I will submit revised design with a better typography. I have use dark grey colour for this design. Do you have any other colour preferences?
Happy! If you see both solutions next to eachother and you would critisize yourself, what whould you say? Theres to be done something, but I dont no what
And now...to convince You're the best... 1) firts part of logo no. 9 2) second half of logo no. 70 3) perhaps more playing with colour / metallic or whatever. That's what I like about the logo no. 9 4) I see that logo and backcolor do a lot in combination. Other designers used a slight yellow colour in the back. Could you try that, and maby a few other combnations. Thanks for your suggestions! Gustav
There's a big chance you win the contest (if there's not a new surpising contribution to the contest). There's no hurry. The reason I want to stop the contest is because no surpising designs come in anymore! Thank you for your reaction.
Sorry...did you see something really surprising happening? I allmost closed the competition for you logo. sorry for you. I still like your logo very much
I'm thinking of closing the contest. But I'm really fond of the first part of your no.9 logo (third place in contest). I want to by it, if You make it a bit more what should I say...metallic? I mean: I dont want just the two-tone you made, but various grey in it. Or something else. Maybe you could propose me a few options of that. You may leave the word apart. g.breuer@xs4all.nl
It doesn't matter whether I am not winning this contest, just let it flow. If you still interested with my design, I will contact you after the contest has been closed.
I am going to close the contest and want to buy the first part of your logo. Could you send this in ways I can use it voor promotion, letters et cetera Thanks for all the effort! Gustav Breuer g.breuer@xs4all.nl