This is what I remember from Gulf Shores...getting to the beach quickly after high tide so we could hunt for sand dollars! Here are a few variations on the theme.
We liked the treatment of the logo. you incorproated the color pallette that we suggested. we liked the shell/water says beach, which we like. We would like to see a few modifiactions to your original logo: 1. we will incorpoarte this logo on real estate signs that sit in front of our vacation rental properties so the lettering needs to be readable from a distance...fat letters tend to blur, so the font needs to stay thin. 2. try blue color in the lettering so that it contrasts with the greens currently incorproated. 3. the logo needs to be easily adpted to a black and white format, so please make sure the logo looks OK in that color palette. 4. try another treatment of the shell/water element. 5. bloend some of the greens inside the blue area of the square. I think that is all for now. Thanks in advance for your work on this. Geoff & Susan