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If you have questions, requests and other latest information, let me know. I will do it. :)
Thank you so much!
I also like this new logo and I will add it to the ranked logos. It is hard to read "protective paint, lasting beauty". Do you have any suggestions? Should the words be enlarged and placed on two lines?
Please check. I've uploaded some new designs. If you have any feedback, and other suggestions. you can contact me. And I will immediately make revisions in the direction you want. Thank you so much! :)
Anna- My direct mail experts would like to see this logo in landscape format with the logo next to the text. Also, your work is very creative. Would you take a shot at creating something completely different that is opposite of what you would expect a painting company to use as a logo? I'm told my logos are not unique enough.
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Thank you for the information.
Do you have the latest information/next steps?
If you have questions, requests and other latest information, let me know. I will do it. :)
Thank you so much!
Please check. I've uploaded some new designs. If you have any feedback, and other suggestions. you can contact me. And I will immediately make revisions in the direction you want. Thank you so much! :)