Hi cool contest heres my entry to your contest I tried to be more creative ,I think my logo will be good for web and print you can used it to put on headphones or tee shirt (im also a clothing designer) the m logos have you can see had 3 upper bar hit to repersent a rss feed to connect the logo to the web and I have it in a web talk circle to make it up todate that every can ubderstand I feel its a prefect mix let me know if you like anything about it and if you woulf like me to add or change anything ...thanks dave here
I like your designs. The right side of the design I prefer with upper and lower case like #146 Maybe if we think about the logo as two parts that can be used separate or together depending on where they are used. The left side with the M, I want it to be simple but important enough to be used by itself.
Could you please try a daring combination of colors, just to see if we can combine the magenta with something other than just blue. I have seen some logos which combine our color with some autumn leaf colors like yellow or green.
heres with bigger icon and bigger and smaller type like you ask for thanks. Dave here dont you like the icon do you want me to add to it or keep it simple as is.
bigger icon in #239 by artespraticas i think his design now is to close its not fair that the design chose to used same shape and layout dont want to cause problems but i have ask her not to used so close a design at this late min i dont like logo court. Thanks dave
Dear pfdesigner, the losang shape is universal, like the round shape, wich I've used since entry #24 and you on your #99. Your usage of same typefont and text disposition along with the RSS feeds from my first entries you're using on your entry #203, copyed from my #24 entry even with my metallic layout and placing them at the bottom and I've never bothered you with pms or claims on the contest area like you're doing now. I really think you should get professional and accept that some will win and lose (and you didn't invest more time in this then I with 35 entries. Please don't place such comments to the CH cause he doesn't care about them; he just wants to chose the best design on his idea. All the best to you and the CH, whatever is his decison!
it was your own doing I tried to talk to you I never go to lc I hate it ,you keep saying i copyed your rss feed I didnt my design dont have a rss feed its just 2 sliver lines under . In this contest the ch give us the type face logo sothat means thee where going to be a lot of same looking designs ,the main thing the ch wanted was a Icon so the icon was the most important thing but have you waited to the last hours of the contest to used the same diamond shape along with the layout made it to close to my logo.
And you should not do these revenge cases thats why you get violation points it to make designers think about making revenge cases I have 0 points because I do not do stuff like that many a times i designer ask me to with draw a design of mines thats to close I take a look and most of the time i will change it so as not to go to court.
Hi I think this would be your best logo you have a cool clean icon with you core color that can be change anytime ,it has your main logo in it .And I can change any color of any logo or icon you need at anytime. the logo I have done for you can be broke up and 2 parts and the icon the diamond shape icon will look great on tees,hats,mics etc. Im here to help and make sure you get what you need LT is a great place to buy logo and get good ideal these lots of good designers here I dont care if I win or lose as longas you the CH is happy with good designs ,thanks for the great contest good luck in your choice hope to see you back for many more of contest. Thanks Dave