Hello dear Miguel :-) Nice to see you around again even if this is a completely different project and I perfectly understand it. Anyway, I've decided to submit a very simple entry with just 2 colours (your tone and some gray) trying to convey your brief thoughts. It's modern and symbolizes the newspaper open and the element of the info spreding from there to represent the new media ways... I'm at your entire disposition as always and if we don't speak sooner wish you a great weekend. Warmest regards,
Claudia PS-Hope that the haiti campaign was a success :-) !?
Hello Claudia, The Haiti campaign was a great success. We managed to raise more than $70,000 USD
I like your logo, but I want two things, try some other colors together with our color. Maybe a blue color could be combined. Also, try using our M in some way to be used as separate element. I want to use it for example on our reporters microphones, or on pins, car stickers, as a watermark on stationary, etc. There are three things that are very characteristic, among the people in Morelos. 1.Our Bugambile color. We have made experiments where we show a newspaper with a Bugambile rectangle without the letters and they recognize it as "Diario de Morelos" 2.The font of the word "Morelos" It is funny to see shops all around the state who use our font in their logos. 3. Our "M"
So the challenge here for you is to use these three elements and give us something different.
I have seen some logos which combine the magenta with other colors which look great.
hello! i'm very happy to know about those awsome results :-) Here you go a version having the round square background with the characteristic colour tone, The "M" coming out of the newspapewr and making the transition to the info wave above in blue tones... Let me know if tere's anything else I can do to improve it under your thoughts. Warmest regards,
Hello Miguel and sorry for the wrong M :-( Here you go the just M version corrected and the other one with all elements in the rectangle. Warmest regards,
I like the right part of the logo where it says "Grupo Diario de Morelos" but the left part I feel it has too many elements. And you are forgeting the tail of the "M".
Think of it as two separate elements, that can be used together or separately. Please give me other options for the side with the M which is simple but important enough to be used alone.
hello Miguel. Please accept my appologies for the worng "M" in my previews so far! I'm resubmiting source along with simplified versions for the icon part of the logo; diiferent shapes, with and without effects but trying to layout the info movement from the newspaper base. Don't have any trouble to make any suggestions on these. Warmest regards,
Hello! here you go same colour combinations as per your example of your prefered version so far. I'll check in the morning if there's anything else I can do. have a great eveing too,
Hello Miguel :-) Here you go more 6 options with your colour preferences and various shapes, with just the info emission symbol, what makes the icon very simple but keeps it themed on the info spreading by modern media. At your service till the end whatever is your final choice! Warmest regards,
Grupo Diario de Morelos your 239 design is to close to my design what are you doing if you dont not remove i will go to LC I was using the shape and layout the whole contest now you want to do it
hello! I really though you would go for the modern idea of the info trough the RSS symbols but I see you prefer to link the design to the newspaper itself (even if my colleague copyed my source idea and you didn't express it so far on my attempts. I'm posting here some variations with my original idea. Kindest regards and best of luck,
Sure! All the luck to to this since I'm already having problems with this contest even if I didn't copy anybodies work and they have done that to mine and I didn't complain about it :-( Now a losang is a special shape and nobody can use it, even if the person who claims it has copyed my RSS feeds bellow!! This is unbelievable and I'm really tired of such things. Hope you can find a lofo that speaks to your sould and transmits the modernity of the media idea. It was a pleasure to work with you again. Warmest regards,
I really feel a very bitter taste on this. I've needed to withdraw my second place entry due to a logo court case the other designer posted against me due to the losang shape. I posted against him cause he has copyed my rss feeds but other designers didn't pay enough attention to the detail he has copyed! I really wish you all the best and I'm sorry this has ended this way. Now I've several violation points due to this unfair situation. Really hope you chose the fairest situation and quality. Kindest regards,
very sorry what happen claudia I didnt mean for this to go this far I just feel it was not right to wait too the last hours and put in the diamond shape in it made our logos look 99%the same thats fair to me or the CH I did try and talk to you and you saw other designers agree with me 4 to 1. I hope theres no hard feelings . thanks you are a good designer wish you much luck. Dave
hello! here you go a simpler version of your prefered so far; I took the shadow effect and only have placed the pink line to make the elements pop up; this also makes the impression simpler if special pantone print is needed, for example. Kindest regards, Claudia
Hello! Here you go 2 colourfull versions from my layouts so far with the tones you'd suggested from the example logo. If we don't speak sooner, wish you a great weekend. Kindest regards,
Hello! here you go some simpler and natural evolution I could think of during the weekend using the actual logo and also the rss feeds info presentation trough it. It was a honour to work with you again. All the best for Diario de Morelos. Kindest regards,
Hello dear Miguel. Just want to let you know that I'm at your entire service as usual if there's any variation you might want to see. I'm happy that you're considering one of my first entries that has the message of the new media layout coming out from the newspaper base... All the best,
Hello Miguel. I'm submiting some possible variations of this entry, using also the other Morelos typefont and simpler layout for your consideration. Hope this helps instead of making your life harder! Wish you also a great weekend and all the best, whatever is the result. Kindest regards,
Thanks for your feedback. I'll submit soon without taking the risk of a logo court from my colleagues (even if I was around of similar layouts too :-) All the best,
hello! Having in mind the previous explained concerns, here you go some new concepts besed on your feedback and my previous entries. If any sounds promising and you want make any other suggestions, I'm at your service as usual. All the best,
Try one last thing: Forget about the left side. Use the right side of # 704 but make the M larger on the left so that Grupo Diario and the rest of the word Morelos "orelos" are on the right of the M.
Can you be so kind to approve files so the prize can be released? You know that I'm at your service now and after if anything is still needed from me :-) Thx in advance! Have a great week and regards,
Can you be so kind to approve files so the prize can be released? You know that I'm at your service now and after if anything is still needed from me :-) Thx in advance! Have a great week and regards,
Can you be so kind to approve files so the prize can be released? You know that I'm at your service now and after if anything is still needed from me :-) Thx in advance! Have a great week and regards,