Thank you for your submittal. We like these concepts and would like you to try changing the bulb shape to more closely resemble a marijuana growing bulb.
thank you for your submissions. can you please change #43 to include the type of light bulb used to grow marijuana and also change the plants to more closely resemble marijuana plants?
We really like the colors on #54, but would like you to use the bulb from #57. For #57, we like the bulb, but would like you to experiment with some additional colors, and try adding some depth to the overall design.
Thank you for all of your entries. They all look great. Unfortunately, we need to go into a different direction. We need a logo without the marijuana leaf. Do you think you can remove the marijuana leaf from the logos and try them without. We really like # 70, 78, 54 and 11. Please try those entries without the leaves. Thanks.
Thank you for your revisions. We really like the overall design of numbers 108 and 109. Could you please make the '' text a bit more prominent or maybe simply darker? Also, for #109, could you please make the bulb a bit narrower and longer?