Thanks. Don't seem them looking alike but I'll work in a new direction. All feedback and guidance is greatly appreciated. Do you have anything unusual about your brewery you'd like to feature? I was into beer can collecting as a kid. I had 3,000 different cans at one time. Still have about 500, many are 50 to 100 years old.
It's a nice collection but haven't added any to it in the last 35 years. Don't think I would part with them, most are listed as pretty valuable but not all are in great condition. Any advice on my entries?
We like the added hop bud and the change to one color. We can do without the "slogan"...that was really just to give an idea of what direction we are heading in.
Also, we all know what it says, but we have a little concern that the font may be difficult to read at a glance. We don't want customers to have to "study" the logo to see what it says. Any way to keep the vibe of this font, but clear it up a little?
Thanks for your revisions! Our investors are still not seeing something that makes them say, THAT'S IT! We would like to see you go back to the one color on white background. Also, we are still hung up on the font. Could you can make some changes to let us see different font styles? We like the idea of maybe having the G and R connect somehow...maybe the bottom of the G connecting to the top of the R? We like the "weathered" font look too.
Hi! A few comments: 1) Is there any way you can straighten entry #36 like you did in #37, but keep all elements the same? 2) In entry #37, we prefer the consistency of the Os in #36. Also, the "brewing company" font in #37 seems a little squished from top to bottom. Any way you can play with that? 3) We like the way the font breaks the plane of the circle in #36 just a hair.
Do you like the Brewing font in #30 or #36. #37 is very wide font. I can try to play with it but if you like the others better I can use them too. Thank you
I think we are still hung up a little on the font. Not sure how to describe exactly what we would like to see at this point. Perhaps just a fresh look at a completely different font?