I would like to try a couple of different things with #44...
1) As is with adding a yellow/orange/reddish sun behind the "saguaro chimney"
2) Delete the house and put the saguaro on the right side of Grimm with a sun coming out of the top of Grimm and ending on right side of saguaro on the line.
yes, #63 I would like to see with the type of sun that entry #13 has but with the colors that you used...start the sun on the top of the first M and end it at the right bottom of the cactus. Thanks
1) on #64move the cactus more to the right inside the sun (like #66)
2)Both - the gray second roof line change to black in center and fade to red at ends
3) Both -change GROUP from gray to black
4)Both - slogan change to "Arizona.....blue skies and sunshine" and change color to black or red (this way the slogan can be a little larger so you can read it.
the overall background on my business card is going to be gray, so gray logo will not show up
#99 please change the word group to black instead of gray.
Also , do you have any ideas to have GRIMM stand out more than luxury? Maybe have GRIMM in red with Luxury and group in black?? or maybe change fonts??
the feedback i am getting from alot of people is that they would not remember my name from this logo.....we need to change that :-)
Open for ideas. i really like the design, I just need GRIMM to have more of a presence???
#120 Would you use font Extended 3D on GRIMM and have it go from roof line to roof line and then shrink Luxury to fit under GRIMM. Try a different font on Luxury.
Please send any other variations that you come up with as well as addtitional fonts
We are close, but something is not "clicking" yet.