Hi there, thanks so much for your submissions. Of these, I like #146 the best. The arrow in the G is clever; nice touch! However, could you try a few changes? Please remove the star from the G and use it in the a of Star. Also, incorporate additional white space between Green and Star. Lastly, I'd like to see you use the same color for "of Interior Alaska" that you did for Star. I like the gradual fade.
Hi there, I really like #217 but could you try a variation for me? Remove the leaves over the chimney and add the big dipper (like from our state flag: http://www.statesymbolsusa.org/IMAGES/Alaska/AlaskaFlag.jpg). Move the star from the roof of the house and make it the North Star--the one that's slightly separate from the rest. Thanks!
Hi again, just talked to my Board member who prefers #208. However, could you remove the leaves from the chimney and replace with 2-3 small triangular chasing arrows leading into each other like smoke would (kind of like this: http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/x/artistic-blue-smoke-rings-5-13176117.jpg)
Hi again! I like #208. I think it would be good for the big dipper to be above the house, over the word Star. And please eliminate anything coming out of the chimney.
And perhaps try a variation with a 4-5 story office building tower beside the house?
Hi, I like #417. But could you try a white house with black or dark green outline? As it is now, the chasing arrows remind me of a life preserver. Perhaps try two diffent shades of green.
I'd also like to see the big dipper up a little higher. The stars should be set at least as high as the office building.
One more idea for #208: remove leaf and chimney. Decrease size of star a bit, then add white triangular chasing arrows to the front of house above star, nesting in peak of house. Does that make sense?