Thanks for your prompt response! #56 looks better, thank you. I also appreciate you trying again with #57 & #58 but I think the image is too busy with the state of Alaska inside the star.
I like #59 but would you be up for trying something for me? I'd like to see the star a bit smaller so it doesn't interrupt the outline of the leaf? Also, eliminate Alaska from the star so it looks less busy. Thanks!
On #65, could you make the star green? Perhaps the leaf could be a different shade of green? I'm not sure which one should be darker. Also, could the star be a bit smaller? It still looks like it interrupts the outline of the leaf. Thank you!
Andrea: I don't like the black color in #66. I think it is too severe. I think I'd like this design if it used shades of green like the others have used. It is more warm and fuzzy for our nonprofit, I think!
Hi again! Could you play with #202 to try something new? What if the star was a solid dark green and featured the traditional chasing arrows: (maybe white or a lighter green)?
Oh OK, no problem. I saw that Tinna tried it but I thought her version didn't turn out well. The arrows looked like a life preserver from a distance. Oh well! I still love #202 :)
Would it be possible to try the chasing arrows surrounding the star/leaf in #202? I suggested something similar to another designer but he was kicked out of the competition for some reason and I never got to see. I hope it wasn't due to my request! I don't think another artist has tried that approach. If not, would you give it a try?
Hi again! One of our board members really liked the idea of a leaf serving as one of the star's points. Could you try repositioning the leaf in #202 for her? Thanks!
I like #403, but could you try flipping the image horizontally? I'd like to see the leaf pointing upwards. I'd also like to see some color variations. Maybe dark green star and lighter green leaf?
As for #402, please try removing the leaf and coloring the star a solid green. Also, could you make the chasing arrows a little fatter?
Andrea: I still like #408, but I might like version #407 better. Something about the way the leaf points to our name makes it feel more flowing to me. Also, I prefer when the "of interior Alaska" is in the dark green color - I feel like that makes the "Star" in our name stand out more, and the sub-heading blend more.
Pam: I agree with Andrea that the leaf pointing to the name has more flow and make the eye travel to the name rather than away from the name. I think the leaf drowns out the star and would like to see an overall thinner and more elegant look.
Please try a few more variations of #407:
1. Make "of interior Alaska" the dark green color. 2. A thinner, willow-like leaf, and a not so chubby star (so we can see more of the star around the leaf). 3. A white star, outlined in dark green, with a lighter green leaf on it. 4. Make the leaf dark green and the star a lighter green (but maybe not as neon as it is currently).
I think we're having some communication problems but I will try to explain again:
#465 is better, but two of the star's five points are obscured by the leaf. Please make sure the outline of the star is not broken by the leaf. Perhaps you should decrease the size of the leaf somewhat.
We're also not crazy about how fat the star is. Could you try to make the points a bit more slender?
Lastly, could you try a version where the leaf is flipped horizontally? We like that it points toward our name but its current position seems somewhat wilted/drooping.
#467 I made the lower left point of star same as the others. Please see this proof. #468 the leaf horizontally but not droopy. How about this one? Thanks...
Thank you for trying on #468 but I don't like the result.
I appreciate the proof in #467. However, it still looks like the lower left is shorter than the lower right. Perhaps it is an optical illusion due to the stem but please double check that all five points are the same length.
Oh Sorry I was wrong mentioned the number of the newest entries :) I mean : #468 I made the lower left point of star same as the others. Please see this proof. #469 the leaf horizontally but not droopy. How about this one? Thanks...
I referenced the wrong #'s in my last feedback too. I meant to say:
Thank you for trying on #469 but I don't like the result.
I appreciate the proof in #468 and can see that those two points outlined in red are the same. However, it still looks like the lower left is shorter than the lower right.
Perhaps it is an optical illusion due to the stem but please double check that all five points are the same length in #466.