#196, could you please work on this logo with the colours and typeset similar to #7, also if you could please add the word 'Commercial' somewhere on the logo. I would ideally like it to read Green Star Commercial Blinds however I do not know if this would be too long. I do like your logo, it has a lot of potential to it.
#201 Hi, Please make typeset exactly like #221. Also, tilt the logo clockwise SLIGHTLY to correct the apex of the star to point upwards. Looks like you have won this contest unless we see anything special from the other contestants.
#201 Hi again, in addition to the above request, would you be able to re-create a text based logo similar to (http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/64990) with the #201 star logo replacing just the 'a' in the word 'star' ie text based logo 'Green Star Blinds' at the base of this a word 'commercial'. Thanks!