Hello. #95 There is a shadow already on Green Acres. I have changed the font for "Customized Cannabis Solutions". The finished file will be in layered vectors, so you will be able to pull out the parts you need. Thanks, Gary (Miamiman)
Will we be able to pull out the Green Acres and Leaf in between for a more simple, condensed logo afterwards using the Vector file or do we need for you to do it?
please insert a take out logo
whats a good email address to reach you at. We love this logo, but its good for like t shirts and stuff. is there any way you can make the leaf more original and modern looking so we can take it out and use it as a stand alone logo.
can you make the green a little darker, add small weed leaves too the vines on the bottom, make customized cannabis solutions contrast more with the brown so its easier to read
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Can you make this exact same thing for us without the cannabis leafs?
Can you make a shadow/3-D on Green Acres like you have done on some of your other versions?
Also, can you make somewhat of a more interesting, unique font on Customized Cannabis Solutions?
whats a good email address to reach you at. We love this logo, but its good for like t shirts and stuff. is there any way you can make the leaf more original and modern looking so we can take it out and use it as a stand alone logo.