Greek123Logo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Greek123 Greek123 has selected their winning logo design. For $425 they received 199 designs from 32 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by masitoh Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn New #81 Withdrawn New #67 Withdrawn Prefers others. #82 Withdrawn Prefers others. #70 Withdrawn Prefers others. #69 Withdrawn Prefers others. #68 Withdrawn Prefers others. #11 Discussion DGreek123 Client Entry#11 Design is nice, clean and sharp. It would be nice to see its character develop a little bit. I think it would help to really use the mock ups as a guide if you decide to resubmit. But again, nice clean logo. 14 years ago DGreek123 Client Can we see this design with an icon more relevant to our company? 14 years ago DGreek123 Client Also can you change the color from red to something that will mesh better with our website? 14 years ago masitoh Logo Designer Thank's for your correct. I will change according to what you expect 14 years ago DGreek123 Client Entry#67 Like the design a lot. However, need to swap out the icon. Not relevant with our company. 14 years ago