My first concept for your logo, a textured look emulating a 'blueprint' but also popular among youth oriented logos. Could you let me know if you want the 1 TImothy verse included in the logo? Sorry I didn't quite understand your additional info in the brief. Happy to make any changes and welcome your feedback.
I would love for the Scripture text itself (1 Timothy 4:12) to show as well as some of the key words in the verse to appear in the design as you would see text in an actual blueprint. (I.e., Example, Love, Faith, Purity) I hope that makes sense. Please feel free to contact me again. Thanks for you design so far and your comments. Thanks,
It may be even better if the 1 Timothy 4:12 text was located in smaller print starting behind the "P" in blueprint and the other key words like example, love, purity, faith appear as a part of the blueprint. I hope I am clear. Thanks again!
Thanks for answering my questions, I've submitted a couple of designs, let me know what you think. I've tried to emulate the look of a blueprint in regard to font choice etc, they also have quite a 'youthy' look to them, do let me know if you had something else in mind though.
Wow. I really do like the designs so far. I was wondering if on your first design you could put "1 Timothy 4:12" right behind the p in blueprint in a smaller font. I would like to see what that looks like. Not the text in the scripture itself but just the reference for the scripture. "1 Timothy 4:12". Thanks again for you all that you are doing. Arthur
#32 further development on #1including a small icon/graphic within the wordmark to represent 'faith, love, purity' Green for faith/growth, the red heart for love, the blue water for purity. Relates it to the 1 TImothy scripture. I can incorporate the blueprint look as well if you'd still like that 'look'
We really like the recent submissions. We love the icon that represents faith, love and purity. We would like to see what they what they would look like with the cross illuminated just a bit. We also have a question. If chosen, would it be possible to get two of the designs? We are thinking along the lines of printing on dark shirts and light shirts. Let us know. Thank you so much for all that you are doing. Great work!
Can we see design #57, #58 & #59 in a different font, something with straight angles resembling architecture. Keep everything else the same, don't change anything else.
Just uploaded a few variations, can combine/change different fonts/the illuminated cross etc. Regarding the two designs for printing on dark or light shirts that's fine. It would be just a color variation, not a completely separate design so that is allowed. Let me know if you'd like to try other variations on this design...
Great, oh the bottom of the arms is angled upwards slightly, that was to match the original font, but can easily make them straight to match current font.
Well as always we love your entries. We wanted to ask if you that if chosen would we be able to get the logo with the "textured" background as well as the plain background? We would love to utilize both if possible. Thanks again!
Your designs are great! Thanks for all your hard work we are hoping we will be able to get the design with the "blueprinty" background as well as the the plain background. We'd love to have entries 83, 77, 82, and 68 if possible. I am not sure how the process works as far what you are able to deliver. And on 68 we would just like the cross straightened like the others. THANKS!!
Thank you, yes you can get the plain background and the 'blueprint' background. Once you've finished the contest the winning deign is uploaded via this site as a JPG and an EPS. Then I can also email you file variations with the different backgrounds requested.