We had a meeting today and the CEO has made the final decision and has decided to go in another direction.
It was close and your design was highly praised and well-liked. In the final analysis, it came down to the belief that the other design was more compatible with the organization's overall brand.
Again, thank you so much for applying. I want you to know that we are canceling our other project for a logo for the North Dakota Manufacturing Council (NDMC) because we are not pleased with the submissions we've received. We plan on launching a new contest within the next two weeks. I STRONGLY ENCOURAGE YOU TO SUBMIT DESIGNS IN THAT NEW CONTEST.
We're definitely leaning toward your design. At this point, we don't have any specific requests. However, feel free to modify and tweak and send us some variations of this design.
I've looked at your profile and like your work. Do you have any other ideas for this logo? I'd love to have a few other options from you -- although, I really like this design.
I really like this. I especially like the papers icon. We can't modify the GNDC logo. So could you put 'Dakota Digest' next to the icon and 'Greater North Dakota Chamber' in smaller font at the bottom?
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It was close and your design was highly praised and well-liked. In the final analysis, it came down to the belief that the other design was more compatible with the organization's overall brand.
Again, thank you so much for applying. I want you to know that we are canceling our other project for a logo for the North Dakota Manufacturing Council (NDMC) because we are not pleased with the submissions we've received. We plan on launching a new contest within the next two weeks. I STRONGLY ENCOURAGE YOU TO SUBMIT DESIGNS IN THAT NEW CONTEST.
Thank you.
Be creative.
please let me know if you need to see any updates or revisions
I'm glad you like it.