Hi, my first concept for your logo. Before I go further are you represented by the acronym GLAILG? or just Greater Los Angeles ILG? or would you like your logo with no acronym? Happy to make changes and welcome your feedback. Thanks, Catherine
Hello Catalyst, very nice work on the logo. We could go either way with the acronym. We would like to see possibly a variation on the font you used. Also we want to keep it simple. Looking at what you have put together it looks like the tops of buildings. If that is what we are looking at then great. If not then what are you representing?
Hi, thanks for the feedback. I've done a couple of variations with the different acronym so you can see which is/isn't going to work. Used a simple font as well, but can easily change this. Yes, you're correct it is the tops of buildings - I thought that captured the united front of the organizations and professionals/ the collaboration in an visual way. Let me know which acronym etc you'd like me to take further. Thanks, Catherine
Thank you very much for the variations. I have spoken to a number of people in the organization and the issue they are having is we want to make sure it represents something that connects employment law, civil/equal rights, corporate america. I am not sure how this fits but just wanted to update you and see if you have other creative ideas.