The #27 and #32 are best so far. Maybe a combination of #27 style with a girl idea from #32?
Also the crossed wrenches idea in #9 is great.
There's a small misspelling in the domain, it's life not style but anyway the idea is the most important here
Some of your designs have too many elements in them, a gear, a 8-ball, a wrench and a girl - we would prefer a bit simplier design with only one or two elements, for example "a girl with a wrench", "a girl with a car" so the logo would be simple enough for different purposes.
#53 looks great, equal to better ranked #42 but we liked to keep the #42 in high rating because we still like the idea of having people on the logo ...this is getting really hard to choose for all these good ones...
There's nothing that relates to cars in #65 besides the retrostyled font. This give us an impression of a football team instead. The #56 is best from you so far =)
Yes I see, I try to put car behind "social comunity" =) but is too much...I finding other solutions, if you have some wishes or idea, or just want to combine some elements of my work, please tell me, thank you
Sorry for #75 #76 #77 I know u are not "custom" works, but this is easy editable...If U like it I put something what u want, like Social community or Hot rod enthusiast ... Thank you for understand and feedback...