#119 I like that you made the grate more apparent. Not to found of this font or the letter in the grate. I would rather see some type of graphic showing the air movement with scents flowing from the grate and across the Grate Scents name.
#143 big improvement in the design....looks cleaner and more finished. I'm still trying to find a color scheme that works....something between the harshness of earlier versions and the almost gray pastel of this design. I do like the green color better than the prior turqois green. soothing violets, pinks, purples and blues in whatever combo you think....if you think the green clashes with those colors, then try whatever you think looks good. Thanks for the hard work.
#161 I really like this font style better....I also like this design generally, but the grate is overwhelmed in size by the word 'Grate'....the grate ends up looking more like a drain since it's so small relative to the words....Maybe decrease the sizing of the fonts and increase the size of the grate and maybe some color pop with the font....having an outline color and an interior white border with an interior color really looks compelling with a nice rich violet, purple, blue or reddish pink. Would like to see some font color variations. Thank you for your continued effort!
would like to see a design like #143 with richer colors in the violet / purple / pink tones and a design like #143 in the blue and green tones. Don't mix the green with the purples....emphasis on elegance and richness of colors....not neon or flat....#143 currently appears gray and flat from a color standpoint. Would also like to see a variation in the font to recongnize a little more sophistication and feminine tones.....not saying I don't like current one, but would like to see that option with your fonts. We will ultimately pick the design we like and work with the designer on the final tones, but it's hard to look beyond the lack of colors in this current design. Thanks
Dear CH, thank's for your comment. Here is my entry with a variety of fonts and colors. Please review, I await your comments for further improvement, THANKS.