Hello and good morning. We viewed both of your submissions and we can't work with the green background you've provided but we very much LIKE the logo, the style, and the direction you've taken with the colour palette. Keep at it. We like Entry #8.
Can you please take Entry #8 and enlarge it like you did for Entry #27, put a little sheen on the green and gold colour's? Wonderful design. Nice and simple, and will compliment the high-grade textured paper we're using when we print to hard copy.
#46 and #47. What color is the textured paper? Just as a suggestion, you won't get good results printing this gradients, you will need special inks to get the finish you want. Gradients may be good as a simulation only.
The paper is white, we were debating an off-white or creme, but we will run drafts to see which paper picks up the art the best. Also we understand the use of gradients will be diminished greatly unless we source a high-end printing studio (which we don't have here locally - to our knowledge). We very much all 3 of your recent submissions. No changes need to be made, we like the logo. Spot on.