thank you so much for all the changes and new designs!
#19 is too bright and busy
#18- Too colorful- can it be changed to cream, sage or grass green and a paler pink- like a soft bubblegum or light pink? The "Grass & Clovers" part- can it chance to green and maybe a less severe font
#17 Again a little too busy- can you keep the font consistent- all the same as the "Grass" font? I prefer the green on the clover on the left- and would like the wording not in black. Can oyu maybe change the hot pink to either a lighter pink or even a cream? and no flower.
#13 I like the "grass" font from #19 instead of this font. Change the lettering from black to the green, make the clover a lighter shade of green or cream? Also can you take out the flower ?
Thank you so much!!!