First off, I like the look you went with. I thought if you added a small vertical line to help make the R more visible by placing a small vertical line under the horizontal one which cross from the G to the R. Number 10 is my choice out of the two right now, it just seems the box helps content the lines of text which have a lot of energy. Since the type is heavy customized, it could hold it's on without an icon to go with it but I wonder it you could do an icon to fit with another text style. Your "Free Energy Alliance" icon has the aspect of very abstract grasp of a hand. I know we stated no hands but running it that vein might work, much like a water flow in a logo being represent with one or two wavy lines, its implied.
I looked at your portfolio and you have a lot of nice work, hope to see if you have any other ideas.
We like the changes you made. Can you summit other ideas that would "grasp the concept" of something? Maybe something that has a unique icon would be great. Please see the brief and we look forward to see your other ideas.
Thanks for the new entry you submitted with the icon. I see you are trying to achieve a grasping effect but its a little to detailed for reproducing in print at small size. I noticed that you seemed to go to the other extreme with the text in the new version. I really like how you stylized the earlier version, maybe something in between.