My submission for your review, I have reviewed the current submissions and 90% all play on the letter GDG. I've gone a different route and emphasized the artists. in the form of stylizedd match stick people....
Same as previous post, this is another character based icon....inspired by Dali. The site name is secondary the icon is the moist important element...which is why I have position the text near bottom
The Dali submission is well received here, but we're not quite sure it's the correct image for our site.
The shoe prints are clever but aren't quite strong enough as a stand alone brand....not that we are something like a Coke or a McDonalds, but we want something a little more unique.
#440 is so simple, yet so cool. To us it looks like a framed picture hanging on the wall in a gallery room (and of course the G and D). Is there another way to do this same type of thing but make it a little more like a gallery? Not sure how, maybe more walls...not sure though. Thoughts?