I like the subtleties of what your designs display. Could you try some in more pastel colors? Maybe a lighter blue? Any other thoughts you had in this way of thinking I'd love to see.
Okay, we really like your work. Do you have any other variations you could think up similar to something like #35 and #40? Using the distressed look, but maybe a different type of design in the circle? I'd love to see what other variants you could think of!
Great work, lanid! Good news, its hard for me to pick through your designs. They capture the simplicity yet originality we're looking for. So thank you! I like #36 and #85 the most right now, However I'm still waiting for someone to help with their opinions!
Awesome! Hey. could you put #190 and #178 words in Gothic Century font? and then just the "F" in apple chancery? that's an official font we use here that we'd love to see!