OK. this might be our finalist. Yet, can you remove the white lines within the circle. We do not want any space between the pieces. Can you also make another one that is diamond shaped rather than a circle?
We really like this logo design. Yet, the logo has more or a tile design (with the white lines looking like grout lines) and we do not do tile installations. A good 70% of what we do is "flake" installations. Thus, what we would like to do is take these tile pieces and overlap them to look like a close up of flake. Flake overlaps each piece and has more jagged looking edges. Below is a link to what flake looks like from the flake manufacturer we buy from. Would love to see what this looks like.
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Thanks :)
please check-updates #227, #228, #229, #230 and let me know if you need changes
Thank you
Best regards
See... https://www.torginol.com/flakesignaturecollections/
Also, can we increase the size of "Floors" at the bottom by about 20 to 30%.
We plane to select a winner on Monday.
Thanks. Chris