Thank you again. One more request please. Could you take #162 and make the color of the slogan "Health Through Food & Lifestyle" a darker brown (sort of like the brown inside the sunset at the bottom of circle under the banner (see markup)? And then with that same brown color, using it as as the highlight color to go around the title "Good Eating Nutrition"?
One more thing to add to the above request. If possible can you make #160 above like #151 in design, particularly with how the title "Good Eating Nutrition" matches the color of the sky in that one but has the trim around the words that match the trim around the outer circle and banner? In other words, making the color of "Good Eating Nutrition" match the color of the orange sunset and the highlights around the words matching the outer circle and border. All of this in addition to bolding the words in the slogan "Health Through Food & Lifestyle".
Thank you. I would like to see this one (#130) but with the slogan "Health through Food & Lifestyle" to be in the same font as the one you did in #151.
Thank you for your revisions. On this one can you make the letters for "Good Eating Nutrition" similar as the color of the sun (even where gradually changes from orange to yellowish like you did with the sun).
Thank you updates are up please see requested changes. Also during the selection phase of the contest only the 1st ranked is allowed to submit if you want to you can re-rank if you want any changes. Thanks for support.
One other version request: keeping #126 the same as it is, BUT putting either a Blue color (like the sky in picture) highlights around the letters in "Good Eating Nutrition" or possibly using a similar color to the sun highlighted around the letters.
Thank you again. I like what you did, even with the change of the sunset. What I would like to see:
(1) Could we have the orange sunset back (but with maybe some of those hues in it like you are doing in the above example)?
(2) Can you this time make the trim around the circle and the banner that goes across the front with the slogan in it, could we make those with the aqua blue or teal type color?
I hope if you do not have time for my second request above, to be able to create one just like #107 above, except without the second avocado (particularly the whole upright avocado, keeping the sliced one). If possible I would like to see one like that.
It would also be helpful to a logo just like #107 (minus the whole avocado) BUT with the orange highlight around the title "Good Eating Nutrition" somewhere between #107 (one above) and # 101. In other words, where the orange is a little bit less around the words in the current one, but yet a little more than from #101. I don't know if this is possible! I hope you have time to give it a try! Thank you!
One other thought (separate from the above idea) - if possible this could be a 2nd version to contemplate. I am sending you a picture of a pillow on Amazon. The font is nice and almost reminds me of a vines on the "W" and the "F" of the lettering. And the coloring scheme is nice the way the orange and aqua blue (or whatever type of blue it is) work together. Could we experiment with that feel possibly with the font and the trim/ribbon/banner of the current logo. I am not talking about the food, sunset, pumpkin or any of that. Just the trip of the circle and the ribbon banner and the lettering fonts & possibly coloring bring out the orange and blue mixture seen in this picture on Amazon. I particularly like the coloring of the lantern with its faint mixture of coloring:
Thank you. I would like everything to stay the way it is, except for the whole avocado; let's remove that one to see what it looks like without anything in its place.
I notice in the link above it looks more like an avocado whereas the one in our logo looks more like a pear. Making the outer skin and seed similar to the one in the link might help if possible.
Also, could we get rid of the radish or possibly bring it behind the tomato? It kinda look likes its floating. How about removing the smaller tomato in the front and putting a purple or red onion in its place for variety?
This one is great. Really like it. Could you add a little texturing lines to the radish and maybe the bell pepper? Can we also slightly move the kale down (a little) behind the sweet potato? Also could you slightly shrink the size of the avocado? Really like what you are doing. Finally, is it possible to slightly bolden the orange shadow around the "Good Eating Nutrition"? Curious as to what it looks like.
Maybe even a pinch of green beans clustered together, a sweet potato, yellow squash, and garlic as mentioned above (these would give more of a harvest feel that compliments the pumpkin). I know we don't want to put everything mentioned because it would be too crowded/busy. I'm just thinking out loud.
Thank you, this looks really good! Just to be clear, I like vegetables in the logo, it was just the appearance of the prior vegetables that needed help. I do like the fruit (instead of vegetables). I like the grapes. However, I have not given up (just yet) on some type of vegetable :-). Could you possibly try bringing in a mixed variety (keeping the pumpkin and sunflowers) - they look great. But this time a in having a mixed variety (keep the tomatoes & purples grapes) and bring back the garlic and some type of leafy green such as kale or collards. Possibly an avocado or a yellow squash. I'm still thinking about this and would like to see it :-). Thanks!
One more thing :-), I really like the way the pumpkin and vine look and also the sunflowers. They are perfect for me. The tomatoes are okay too. But for some reason the other vegetables' style and coloring look too cartoonish. Have you ever seen the "Garden of Life" logo for supplements? Their food picture in the logo has a particularly nice color, shading, etc. For example, take a look at the top of the page with their logo:
Also could we see what the logo looks like without the ribbon tip ends here; where it is just the circle. Still want the front part of the ribbon but would like to see it without the side pieces.
I'm thinking on my business cards, letterheads, and website, I may not need a background color. So could experiment with just a white background. And then adding color to the words (possibly black and orangish colors).
Also, if possible, could I see a version where "Good Eating Nutrition" is at the top and the slogan is through the ribbon? If you need to shrink the ribbon so it doesn't stand out more than the title, that would be fine. Whatever looks good to your eye.
Really good! Like it! Could we try a few different background colors, like maybe black? I'm uncertain about the leafy green vegetable bundle. It seems not as distinct with the coloring. Is it possible to choose another leafy green that is more distinct visually. The greens there have a cloudy appearance. Either away, I like your design. Is it possible to make "Good Eating Nutrition" a littler larger or bolder in font?
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Could you make two more logos based on the one above, keeping the sunset and everything the same, except for what I mention below:
(1) Using the same logo above, make one where the trim of outer circle and banner are black.
(2) Using the same log above (#130), make a second one where the trim of outer circle and banner are the blue type color (you have already used).
(1) Could we have the orange sunset back (but with maybe some of those hues in it like you are doing in the above example)?
(2) Can you this time make the trim around the circle and the banner that goes across the front with the slogan in it, could we make those with the aqua blue or teal type color?
It would also be helpful to a logo just like #107 (minus the whole avocado) BUT with the orange highlight around the title "Good Eating Nutrition" somewhere between #107 (one above) and # 101. In other words, where the orange is a little bit less around the words in the current one, but yet a little more than from #101. I don't know if this is possible! I hope you have time to give it a try! Thank you!
I notice in the link above it looks more like an avocado whereas the one in our logo looks more like a pear. Making the outer skin and seed similar to the one in the link might help if possible.
Also, could we get rid of the radish or possibly bring it behind the tomato? It kinda look likes its floating. How about removing the smaller tomato in the front and putting a purple or red onion in its place for variety?